Customer Care, Sustainability, Service Level.
Is your little voice telling you that you have found the ideal Concierge and Luggage transport Partner in France ? Trust it, it's right.
Our customers think we're cool, and we love it when they tell us so. This is why:
Every month or so, we commit in finding an action to implement that will make a positive impact on #1 sustainability #2 working environment or #3 Local economic environment.
Here are the results on some of them !
We Promote Train Usage. This is the percentage of customers who decide to take public transport once they have unloaded their luggage to us, instead of using a Taxi. Great no ?
For Group travel (From 6 luggage), bv filling every Luggage Van up to 70% of its loading capacity and bundling transport, we manage a positive impact of -153% CO2 emission compared to travelers transitting by Taxi or Coach instead train
If we decide to partner up with a Supplier, we promote Local partners and companies less than 100 employees. Why ? Because, we want to keep the People and Customer Satisfaction in the center of our process, and we feel to achieve that goal we need to find partner that ressemble us : Ethical, Agile, Lean, Simple, Friendly.
That is the number of "one off" consumables we allow in our company. We aim to create as little waste as possible. For instance, it means that our luggage labels are all re-usable, we do not print unless absolutely necessary and same goes with emails policy. We do not send or put anyone in cc of emails unless it is highly important.