Leave your problems behind

Our team is here to help you get all the information you need, when you need it the most.

99% of questions answered.

Get an answer in 2 min average time

Unlimited Questions

Recommendations from Parisians

Contact our team via Whatsapp
from 9am to 9pm every day!

Get all your answers, anywhere you go.

Instant Concierge Service

Our Local Experts Will Take Care of You

  • Unlimited Questions
  • Covers for 99% of people requests
  • Get an answer in 2 minutes average time
  • Enjoy recommendations from Parisians
  • Valid from the moment you set foot in Paris
  • Contact via Whatsapp 9am - 9pm. Text of phone calls.


Why do I need the instant concierge service?

You are not sure which metro to take, which metro ticket to buy? Where to find a good restaurant? How to get the VAT back on a purchased item? How to avoid pickpockets?
Alfred supports you during your trip to Paris, so that you can enjoy your stay. Ask all your questions as they come, and receive an answer within 2 minutes.
It couldn't get easier than that!

How does it work?

Upon purchase, we will send you more details.
Once in Paris, our team will be available from 9am to 9pm to answer your questions. We communicate via Whatsapp to avoid any bad surprise on your phone bill.

Does Alfred answer all questions?

Since the creation of the service, we have been able to respond to 99% of requests!

When can I message Alfred?

Everyday, from 9am to 9pm!

What is the main benefit of using Alfred?

We want you to make the most of Paris. Forget the embarrassing situations, the constant questioning in the metro, what to do in case of a strike, how to navigage in Paris... Alfred is here to help you manage any uncomfortable or unforeseen situation that only happens in Paris.

Does Alfred make reservations?

We don't make the reservations for you, but we help you with all the steps in between, so you always know what to do, and who to call!

Ready to leave your problems behind?

Book Alfred now!

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